Registration Requirements

Registration with the College assures the public and employers that an individual has met the standards for academic and practical experience required to practice the dietetic profession. To become registered with the College, an applicant must meet the registration requirements for the profession of dietetics as set out in the Health Professions Act and the Registered Dietitians and Registered Nutritionists Profession Regulation.


Applicants must have completed a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus in Foods and Nutrition from an accredited Canadian University (or equivalent). Click here to view a list of accredited Canadian Degree programs. The degree consists of 4-years of instruction achieving competence in the entry-to-practice standards and competencies in a wide variety of practice areas.

Degrees received from an unaccredited Canadian program or from outside of Canada will be assessed to determine substantial equivalency to a Canadian accredited degree program.

Internship or Practicum

Applicants must have completed a dietetic internship from an accredited Canadian internship program (or equivalent). Click here to view a list of accredited Canadian internship programs. The internship consists of a minimum of 40 to 45 weeks of practical experience gained under the supervision of RDs. The internship is designed to ensure that the necessary competencies have been acquired in a wide variety of practice areas.

Practical training completed from an unaccredited Canadian program or from outside of Canada will be assessed to determine substantial equivalency to a Canadian accredited internship program.


Completion of academic and internship qualifications within three years prior to the date of application is required. Otherwise, the applicant will be required to undergo assessment to determine whether academic and/or experiential upgrading is required prior to registration.

For applicants currently or previously registered with a dietetic regulatory body, College policy for currency requires registration with a dietetic regulatory body within the past three years and/or a minimum of 600 dietetic practice hours over the previous three consecutive years.

Good Character and Reputation

Applicants must be able to demonstrate good character and reputation. This involves a declaration at the time of application and submission of a current Police Information Check.

Lawfully Permitted to Practice in Canada

Applicants must be able to provide evidence that they are a Canadian citizen or are lawfully permitted to work in Canada. This involves a declaration at the time of application and submission of supporting documentation is they are a Permanent Resident of have a Work Permit.

English Language

Proficiency in English at the professional level is required to ensure that language does not create a barrier during the individual’s dietetic career. Applicants who cannot demonstrate language proficiency through their Canadian dietetic program, or registration status with another Canadian dietetic regulatory body, must provide evidence of English language proficiency at a professional level through a language proficiency test.

Have questions? Refer to the English Language Proficiency page.