File a Complaint

The role of the College is to ensure that the public is protected from unprofessional conduct and incompetent practice. Concerns about the practice of Registered Dietitians and Registered Nutritionists are addressed through the College’s complaint process.

This process is set out in the Health Professions Act that governs the dietetic profession and ensures that an appropriate course of action is taken. When an individual files a formal complaint with the College, they are always notified of the action taken with respect to the complaint.

If you have a concern about the professional services you received from a Registered Dietitian or Registered Nutritionist, please submit your formal complaint to the Complaints Director of the College using the Complaint Form.

Complaints Director
College of Dietitians of Alberta
1320-10123 99 Street
Edmonton AB   T5J 3H1

In accordance with the Health Professions Act (HPA), all complaints must be submitted in writing and signed. It should identify specific dietitian(s) by name and specific action(s), conduct or behavior. When a written and signed complaint is received by the Complaints Director, the complaint will be reviewed to determine whether the College has jurisdiction in regards to the matter, and a decision will be made as to how the complaint will be processed. Under the HPA, the Complaints Director has various options regarding the action taken with respect to a complaint, and they must advise the complainant of the chosen action within 30 days of receiving a complaint. As per the HPA, the dietitian who is the subject of the complaint will be provided with a copy of the letter of complaint and the complainant’s identity at some point during the complaint process.

The time frame for the complaint process varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the issues involved, the number of and availability of individuals involved, and the volume of materials to be reviewed.

Click here to access the Complaint Form.